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English language

журнал Live & Kickin' (UK) - октябрь 2000


Worst Habit

Biting my nails and the side of my mouth

Heavy or light sleeper?

I'm a really heavy sleeper

Biggest idol?

Phil Collins (old rock star from Genesis)

Baths or showers?


Fave book?

Haven't got one. I don't read

Best school subject


First record ever bought?

Oh it was Tongue Tied by the Red Dwarf Crew

Any birthmarks?

Yes, but I cant tell you where it is tho'!

Biggest fear?

I haven't got one

Least fave food?

Chinese and Indian

What footie (soccer) team do you support?


Fave actor?

Christian Slater

Fave TV progey?

Friends and Red Dwarf (very weird UK sci-fi TV show)

Ever broken any bones?

Arm, thumb and fingers!

Spender or a saver?


Most expensive thing you own?

My house

Who'd you be on Stars In Their Eyes?

Wet, Wet, Wet's Marty Pellow (old pop star)

Who'd you like to do a duet with?

Phil Collins (older pop star...)

Best friend in the band?

Phew that's a hard question. Abs, maybe

Any girlfriend?

Yes, Kerry

Where's home?


Are you a clever clogs?

No, I'm as thick as two short planks!



Do you make a wish when you blow out candles?


Are you clumsy?


Which country would you most like to visit?

I've visited them all! Well most of 'em anyway. I'd quite like to go back to Australia

Star sign?

Scorpio and Sagittarius! I was born on the cusp, so I could be either

Fave cartoon?

Tazmanian Devil

Jim Carrey - funny or irritating?

Very, very funny

Ever earned a Blue Peter badge? (a UK kids TV show)

Yes. I sang on Blue Peter when I was a kid!

Who do you fancy?

My girlfriend

Would you pose nude for Playgirl?


If not in a band, what would you do?

I'd be trying to get into a band, or acting

How old would you like to be when you get married/kids etc?

Not much older than I am now!

What would be on your gravestone?

Something funny!

Fave saying?

Be nice to people on the way up 'cause you'll meet them on the way down

Who makes you laugh?

Jim Carrey, Ali G, and the lads!

Who'd you dress up as at a fancy dress party?

Ali G (a very strange UK comedian)

Do you know any magic tricks?

I can do card tricks and float a dollar bill in mid air!

Ever written to an Agony Aunt? (advice column)

No, never.

Worst film you've ever seen?

Jackie Brown

Neighbours or Home and Away? (Aussie TV shows)

I like 'em both

Eastenders or Corrie? (UK TV shows)


What paper do you read?

The Sun and The Mirror

Fave flavour of crisps? (potato chips)

Cheese and onion, but it was salt and vinegar before. I don't know why I changed!

Star Wars or Star Trek?

Neither - Red Dwarf

Fave clothes label?

Haven't got one

Can you keep a secret?

Yes, I can actually

Fave color?

Oh it has to be blue

Fave pizza topping?

Just ham


Hosted by uCoz