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Russian language

(spesial section, devoted to the anniversary from the date of split up)

On 27th September 2001 famous british band Five announced that they were to end as a group. This unexpected event has shocked all music business and, certainly, hasn't left indifferent millions of Five fans from all over the world. A whole year has passed, but the most dedicated fans still listen to Five, watch their videos and concerts records and recall those remarkable times, when all boys were together, being united just one name, that means so much for everyone of us, - FIVE.

That's why special for the anniversary since the date of Five split up we decided to create this special section, in which we'll publish opinions on Five split up from different sources, and also utterances of fans from all around the world. So, read:

Our special story "No more Five..." with a collection of your utterances.

Utterances from the one of the Chinese forums about Five - "Missing Five".
(the translation from Chinese to English has prepared by Cain)

Story - "To love Five - privilege of age?!"

And also:

What different Russian press wrote about the Five split up:
BNG Russia, http://www.mp3.spb.su

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