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SMASH HITS Magazine - April 1998


Those 5ive fellas live together, work together and play together


Which member of FIVE has their birthday on November 22nd?

Scott. We were on Smash Hits Tour last year on Scott's 18th birthday.


What are the names of Rich's big brother and sister?

Oh, don't! Will and...I don't know about his sister! I met her for the first time the other day. He calls his brother by a nickname, but I can't remember it. Sorry, no points.

Their names are David and Tracey!

Who once said: "I think I'm quite a sexy person, but it's not a conscious thing"?

(Horrified) What?! Can I take a guess? OK, I'll go for Scott...no, Rich!

It was Rich, but we have to take the first answer!

Who recently said they'd like to get up to ruderies in a Marks & Spencer ladies' dressing room?


One easy point in the bank.

What are Scott's middle names?

(Instantly) Tim and James Yes!

Actually, it's James then Tim, but what the hey!


What is J's date of birth?

Ooh, I've got it in my Filofax. Am I not allowed to look? (No.) Umm, it really doesn't spring to mind. I know he's a Gemini and his birthday's coming up in the next few months.

Not good enough! The answer is June 13, 1976

What does J wear in bed?

Boxer shorts? He says that sometimes he doesn't wear a thing. But I've never seen him...

'Fraid we have to go with J's answer. No points!

How many brothers and sisters does Sean have?

He has two sisters and two brothers.


Which barmy bloke once said: "I used to tip spaghetti over my head when I didn't want to eat it"?


Right again!

Which character does Abs' girlfriend Danielle play in Hollyoaks?

She's called Gina. I don't know her surname, though.

Gina's good enough for us. One point.


When is ABs's birthday?

Erm, June or April. I think J's is June 13. Scott's is in November 'cos he's a Scorpio. Erm...(thinks hard for a bit) I don't know when Rich's is... Sorry, mate, too vague.

Abs' birthday is June 29.

Name Scott's sisters...

Hang on, let me think...Nicola and ????. Have I got one right? Scott, Nicola and ... (Smash Hits gives him the answer.)

Oh yeah. Half a mark. The answer is Nicola and Hayley.

Which FIVEster said: "People say I'm the best-looking band member, but I don't think I am. If I was a girl, I'd go for J"?


No probs - one point.

What is Abs' middle name?



Which member of FIVE believed he was Michael Jackson when he was little?

(Instantly) Abs. He used to copy all the moves. He still does it, but secretly.



Which member of FIVE was born on May 20, 1981?



Which FIVE fella owns a pair of tight, white silk boxer shorts covered in red hearts?

Abs. They're very nice as well, hahaha! Do-er!

A high-pitched correct.

Who once dreamed they'd snogged Esther Rantzen?


Yep, scary boy that he is!

Which FIVEster's mum said: "I used to tell him that he was like a chrysalis and that one day he would grow into a butterfly?

It was Kim, Rich's mum.

Blimey, he knows everything!

What are Abs' pet cockatiels called?

Oh I can't remember. I think it's something like Tom and Jerry...

At last! Actually, it's Kiwi and Banana


Which FIVE fella used to eat wood lice when he was a kid?

That's probably Sean.

And you're probably right! Yeuch! One point.

What's the name of Abs' little brother?

He hasn't got one!


Which superhero was Rich pretending to be when he split and scarred his lip?

Probably something like Superman!

Good guess! Another point.

Which FIVEster's mum said: "He gets treated just the same when he comes home. He still walks around the house in just his undies - even though I wish he wouldn't"?

That's probably Sean or Scott. Let me think... I don't know. Rich? No, is it Scott?

No, it was Sean's mom.

What was the name of Rich's band prior to FIVE?

Anal Beard, hahahaha! It's not a very pleasant name for a band, is it?

Correct! In both respects!

Scott: 4 points
J: 4 points
Sean: 3.5 points
Rich: 3 points
Abs: 3 points

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