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Russian language

G.J. - webmaster of www.FiveRus.narod.ru:

Nick-name: G.J.

e-mail: fiverus@narod.ru

Language, you can speak: Russian, English

Name: Julia

Age: 22

Date of birth: 28.03.1980

Country (where you live): Belarus

City: Minsk

When have you begun to listen Five? among 1 and a half year ago

The very first Five song, ever heard by you: Everybody Get Up

Why do you love Five? for mad energy, which is in each of their songs

Describe Five in 5 words: eager, merry, nice, pretty, sincere

Fav Five song: Closer To Me

Fav Five video: Closer To Me

Fav Five album: Kingsize

Do you still listen Five? yes!!!

Your fav from Five: Ritchie

Your hobbies besides Five: All music at all and the game, which is very popular in Russia. Something in the way of 'The club of merry and resourceful people' in English

What are you engaged in at the given moment? (learn / work) I work in the field of web-design

The most treasured dream? to go to London

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