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Russian language


(the questionnaire was filled by Helen in Russian, English version - just a translation of webmaster)

e-mail: not available

Language, you can speak: because of godless laziness know only Russian

Name: Helen

Age: couldn't consider by the date of birth?

Date of birth: 06.11.1980

Country (where you live): with such deep knowledge of the languages can live just in one country

City: St. Petersburg

When have you begun to listen Five? Let me think. Maybe 3 years before.

The very first Five song, ever heard by you: When The Lights Go Out or Until The Time Is Through, remember, when I has seen them first time, just thought: "else one".

Why do you love Five? For effrontery, truthfulness (ha-ha), for all.

Describe Five in 5 words: bold, clever, eager, natural, rocky.

Fav Five song: Don't Wanna Let You Go, We Will Rock You, too many to mention. Oh, my memory, love Breakdown very much.

Fav Five video: We Will Rock You, 'cause Ritchie is very eager there.

Fav Five album: there are something own in everyone of them, so I like them all.

Do you still listen Five? My player is not working, so I just can listen them at home.

Your fav from Five: they all together - excellent music, but I prefer J

Your hobbies besides Five: like basketball (but no possibility to concern with it), listen the music, and so on.

What are you engaged in at the given moment? (learn / work) work

The most treasured dream? It won't be a dream, if I'll tell about it.

Do you like this website? Yes, I like this website and I like the owner of it too

How have you found it? Accidentally.

What more would you like to see on this site? Video, but only not Real Player. And except for this all that is necessary is already here. And I'll say: "The Prosperities and good luck to this site".

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