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Russian language

Funny Tigra:

(the questionnaire was filled by Funny Tigra in Russian, English version - just a translation of webmaster)

Nick-name: Funny Tigra

e-mail: mytigrik@yandex.ru

Language, you can speak: русский/english

Last name: Amirova

Name: Maria

Age: 16

Date of birth: 13.09.1986

Country (where you live): Russia

City: Norilsk

When have you begun to listen Five? From the September 2000

The very first Five song, ever heard by you: Don't remember... maybe, If ya Getting' Down... this song already was "realized":)

Why do you love Five? For everything. Absolutely for everything, 'cos noone band gave me as much as these lads did!

Describe Five in 5 words: explosive, eager, cheerful, shocking, talented

Fav Five song: Many… but most of all I like those songs where Ritchie Neville sings

Fav Five video: I've never seen them, but seems like Until The Time Is Thought

Fav Five album: The very first :)

Do you still listen Five? yes

Your fav from Five: Ritchie Neville

Your hobbies besides Five: No any special passions... alternative music and pop-rock

What are you engaged in at the given moment? (learn / work) It's a secret :)

The most treasured dream? www.funnytigra.narod.ru - my website…

Do you like this website? Yeah

How frequently do you visit FiveRus? It's the first time, but definitely not last :)

Why do you visit this site? "cos it's about my fave band :)

What more would you like to see on this site? To see here message from Five for their fans :) To dream is not bad...

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