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Russian language


(the questionnaire was filled by Jennie in Russian, English version - just a translation of webmaster)

Nick-name: Jennie

e-mail: leeloo@land.ru

Language, you can speak: Russian and English, of course :)

Name: Yana

Age: 18

Date of birth: 19.12.1986

Country (where you live): Russia

City: Taganrog

When have you begun to listen Five? From 2000. I'm very sorry that so late...:(

The very first Five song, ever heard by you: If ya getting down

Why do you love Five? For what they are…:) I've realized what I want from life.

Describe Five in 5 words: They are the most charming and nice guys!!!

Fav Five song: Serious

Fav Five video: Let's dance

Fav Five album: Kingsize

Do you still listen Five? Sure!!! 'Cos they are the best!!!

Your fav from Five: Ritchie Neville. He is perfect for me!!!

Your hobbies besides Five: Spanish (but I still can't speak it)… mmm… I like Paulo Coelho books

What are you engaged in at the given moment? (learn / work) study (to make my English perfect)

The most treasured dream? It's a secret, but I do everything to achieve my dream

What would like to add about yourself? It's so interesting! I wanted to forget about Five… did it about a half of a year… but then I've found this website… and everything began again!!! I'm crazy about Five again!!! And I'm very glad about it!!! I'm also glad that so many people still remeber Five!!!

Do you like this website? Very much!!! I wanted to write about it via e-mail, but if I have an opportunity, then: this is the best website about Five!!!

How have you found it? Through Yandex

How frequently do you visit FiveRus?Every day. Seriously, I'm not kidding!

Why do you visit this site? Because, it's the best (i'm saying this again) website about Five, and I adore them!!!

What more would you like to see on this site? More pictures and songs, and also more iformation about the guys.

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