(the questionnaire was filled by Jessie in Russian, English version - just a translation of webmaster)
Nick-name: Jessie
Language, you can speak: Russian, English
Last name: Semenova
Name: Ksenia
Date of birth: 06.06.1991
Country (where you live): Russia
City: Alexandrov
When have you begun to listen Five? Somewhere in 2003
The very first Five song, ever heard by you: Everybody Get Up
Why do you love Five? For everything!
Describe Five in 5 words: 5 words are too little to express my love to Five!
Fav Five song: If Ya Gettin' Down, The Heat, Serious, Let's Dance, Let's Get It On
Fav Five video: If Ya Gettin' Down, Let's Dance, Everybody Get Up
Fav Five album: Kingsize
Do you still listen Five? Yes, sure! And I have no doubt I'll never stop!
Your fav from Five: Richard Breen
Your hobbies besides Five: I'm fond of vampires. I like to listen to music (for example, Five, ABS, Ace of Base, E-Rotic, Britney Spears, Mylene Farmer, Alizee) and like to read (mysticism mostly)
What are you engaged in at the given moment? (learn / work) Learn
The most treasured dream? It's difficult to say definitly, because I have a lot of wishes, but dream... moreover the most treasured...
Do you like this website? Yes, this is the best Russian website about Five!
How have you found it? From the website:
How frequently do you visit FiveRus? Once a 2-3 days
Why do you visit this site? There are a lot of pictures, interview, songs and different information on this website
What more would you like to see on this site? Besides my questionnaire there is nothing to add