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Russian language

Julia Neville:

Nick-name: Julia Neville

e-mail: j.s.yevsukova@mail.ru

Language, you can speak: English and Russian

Last name: Never mind

Name: Julia

Age: 15

Date of birth: 19.08.88

Country (where you live): At the moment - Russia

City: never mind

When have you begun to listen Five? since 1999

The very first Five song, ever heard by you: Slam dunk da funk

Why do you love Five? for being themselves & for their music, which helps me a lot & for their incredible voices

Describe Five in 5 words: gorgeous, marvelous, handsome, amazing, sexy

Fav Five song: Actually all of them but maybe "Set me free"

Fav Five video: "Until the time is through"

Fav Five album: "Kingsize"

Do you still listen Five? Of course!!!

Your fav from Five: I love all of them!!! But Richard is my favourite!

Your hobbies besides Five: English, internet, reading foreign literature mostly classic, singing

What are you engaged in at the given moment? (learn / work) Study

The most treasured dream? It is a treasure so I won't say!

What would like to add about yourself? I am very cheerful & funny!

Do you like this website? Yeah! Definetely

How have you found it? From my friend

How frequently do you visit FiveRus? About 5 times a week

Why do you visit this site? because it has got the info I need

What more would you like to see on this site? It is the best so it doesn't need anything cos' everything included!

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