(the questionnaire was filled by Lola in Russian, English version - just a translation of webmaster)
Nick-name: Lola
Language, you can speak: Russian, English and very little German ))
Name: Sveta
Date of birth: 16.09.1987
Country (where you live): Russia
City: Irkutsk
When have you begun to listen Five? Don't remember exactly… '98 - '99
The very first Five song, ever heard by you: Everybody Get Up!
Why do you love Five? For joy in their eyes, for their songs, … and after split - for the most beautiful leaving…
Describe Five in 5 words: I can't do that! (I need a whole A4 paper for that!)))
Fav Five song: Very many!
Fav Five video: all!
Fav Five album: all! (honestly!!!)
Do you still listen Five? Keep listening.
Your fav from Five: ABS, Scotty.
Your hobbies besides Five: Other music: No Doubt, ENIGMA, HIM, Rammstein (don't be scared!:), weapon (don't be scared again!!:), foreign languages.
What are you engaged in at the given moment? (learn / work) study
Do you like this website? Yes, very much!
How have you found it? by chance
How frequently do you visit FiveRus? Evry time I have a connection.
Why do you visit this site? Because I like it
What more would you like to see on this site? More pictures and fan stories)))