(the questionnaire was filled by Svetlyachok in Russian, English version - just a translation of webmaster)
Nick-name: Svetlyachok
Language, you can speak: Russian
Last name: Sogdoeva
Name: Svetlana
Age: 18
Date of birth: 06. 11. 85
Country (where you live): Russia
City: Yaroslavl
When have you begun to listen Five? from their arriving to Russia
The very first Five song, ever heard by you: until the time is through
Why do you love Five? they sing about a life
Describe Five in 5 words: merry, funny and incredibly charming guys!
Fav Five song: invincible
Fav Five video: everybody get up
Fav Five album: all!
Do you still listen Five? how can you ask about it?!
Your fav from Five: Abs!
Your hobbies besides Five: to go to the cinema, to write poems
What are you engaged in at the given moment? (learn / work) learn
The most treasured dream? to be happy with my loved family somewere at Hawaii
What would like to add about yourself? I'd like to get mails from the guys, who like Five. I begin to think that besides girls noone like Five. So boys-fans of this "girl-loved" band, mail me, don't be shy!!!
Do you like this website? shure, other case I wouldn't be here so often
How have you found it? were searching some information about Five through Yandex search sistem.
How frequently do you visit FiveRus? about 2-3 times a month
Why do you visit this site? to see that our boys still live in our hearts
What more would you like to see on this site? my poem that I sent you not so long ago