(the questionnaire was filled by Wave in Russian, English version - just a translation of webmaster)
Nick-name: Wave
e-mail: Wave@rambler.ru
Language, you can speak: Russian
Name: Masha
Age: 16
Date of birth: June 19, 1988
Country (where you live): Russia
City: Radugny
When have you begun to listen Five? On June 22, 1999.
The very first Five song, ever heard by you: "Everybody Get Up"
Why do you love Five? they have cool music, great lyrics, and they are the best guys in the world!!!
Describe Five in 5 words: talented, funny, crazy, beautiful, honest.
Fav Five song: all, besides "Rock the Party"
Fav Five video: all, besides "Rock the Party"
Fav Five album: all
Do you still listen Five? Yes and with a great pleasure!
Your fav from Five: Ritchie Neville
Your hobbies besides Five: Ronaldo (football player), Portugies football team and Manchester United football team.
What are you engaged in at the given moment? (learn / work) study
The most treasured dream? to visit any Five or of one of the Five ex-members concert and to go to the World Champion Football Cup 2006.
Do you like this website? very mcuh!
How have you found it? I've found it by myself
How frequently do you visit FiveRus? once a week
Why do you visit this site? to find out something new about guys
What more would you like to see on this site? Five lyrics where it's shown who from 5 guys sings every sentence